Artificial Gravity Mac OS

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an artificial-gravity simulation program

Ringworld is a 1970 science fiction novel by Larry Niven, set in his Known Space universe and considered a classic of science fiction literature. Ringworld tells the story of Louis Wu and his companions on a mission to the Ringworld, a rotating wheel artificial world, an alien construct in space 186 million miles (299 million kilometres) in diameter. Niven later added three sequel novels. Artificial gravity has long been the stuff of science fiction. Picture the wheel-shaped ships from films like 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Martian, imaginary craft that generate their own gravity. If the hardware in your mac won't support an upgrade to more recent OS X versions, don't waste your time. Apple have not maintained backward compatibility: the minimum versions of Xcode or Application Launcher needed to meet the app store requirements won't run on 10.6.8. I have a question about artificial gravity in a spinning space station. From In space, it is possible to create 'artificial gravity' by spinning your spacecraft or space stat.

Copyright ©Theodore W. Hall

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of thissoftware and documentation provided the copyright notice and this permissionnotice are preserved on all copies.

The software is distributed as is, without warranty of any kind, eitherexpressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Last update: 2010-11-13 19:33:00-05:00


Step 1: Download the appropriate version for yoursystem:





Requires FORTRAN, X11, and C dynamic libraries. This version is linked like so:

f77 -O2 -s -o $@ ... -lX11

If you don't have the FORTRAN dynamic libraries and would like a statically linked version of this program, e-mail me and I'll try to put one together. I may have to install the static FORTRAN libraries on my own system first.


Requires FORTRAN, X11, and C dynamic libraries. This version is linked like so:

f77 -O3 -s -o $@ ... -lX11

There's a minor bug in the Sun version: the rotation angle isn't clamped to the range ±π. As a result, after several minutes of running, the argument to the sin() and cos() functions becomes quite large, and the motion becomes jerky. I've fixed the source code, but in the meantime I've lost access to the Sun compilers.

Statically linked to the FORTRAN libraries; still requires the X11 and C dynamic libraries. This version is linked like so:

f77 -O3 -s -o $@
-B static ... -lF77 -lM77 -lsunmath
-B dynamic -lX11

See the comment above regarding a minor bug in the Sun version.

Mac OS X 10.3 ppc

Compiled and statically linked for the PowerPC.

No Cocoa, no Carbon, no Aqua -- just the same minimal X11 graphic interface, ported to the Mac OS X UNIX environment. You'll also need an X11 window server for Mac OS X. Apple includes one as an option with OS X 10.3. If you're still running OS X 10.2, you can download a good free one from SourceForge. You must first launch the X11 server; then start 'SpinDoctor' or 'sdr' (a symbolic link) from the XTerm command line.

Mac OS X 10.6 i386

Compiled and statically linked for the Intel.

No Cocoa, no Carbon, no Aqua -- just the same minimal X11 graphic interface, ported to the Mac OS X UNIX environment. You'll also need the X11 window server, included as an option with OS X 10.6. You must first launch the X11 server; then start 'SpinDoctor' or 'sdr' (a symbolic link) from the XTerm command line.


Not available

Sorry, I haven't ported this to Linux yet. If there's sufficient demand, I'll try to supply. E-mail me.

Step 2: Unpack the '.tgz' file. This willcreate a directory that contains the program and a copy of thisdocument. In the following, replace archive with thebasename of the archive you downloaded in Step 1:

gunzip archive.tgz;tar -xvf archive.tar;

Mac users: Stuffit Expander basically works, but it handles file extensionsdifferently. You may end up with several 'sdr-mac-*' folders. The one to keep is the one that contains 9 items. The 'gunzip' and'tar' commands in the UNIX command line shown above (typed in the Terminalapp) are consistent with the other UNIX platforms.


Program Layout

The program opens a new window with several graphic and text areas,referred to below as 'boxes'. Numbered left-to-right and top-to-bottom,they are:

Artificial gravity, Rotating view.

Artificial gravity, Inertial view.

Planetary gravity (Earth by default).

Vector control for the initial height and velocity of a free-falling particle. See the sections on Particle Control and Vector Control.

Slider for habitat radius, in meters. See the sections on Rotation Control and Slider Control.

Slider for habitat rotations per minute. See the sections on Rotation Control and Slider Control.

Slider for habitat gravity factor. See the sections on Rotation Control and Slider Control.

Messages and prompts.

Text input for the initial height and velocity of a free-falling particle. See the sections on Particle Control and Text Input.

Text input for the radius (in meters), rotations per minute, and gravity factor. See the sections on Rotation Control and Text Input.

Command Keys


Exits the program.


Exits the program.


Launches a particle.


Toggles auto-launch. In the Message window (box 8), the program prompts for a 'time increment' in seconds. See the section on Text Input.


Toggles stop-action. Useful for grabbing frames from the animation.


Sets the Planetary gravity to 'Variable'. In this mode, the intensity of the Planetary gravity (box 3) equals the intensity of the Artificial gravity (boxes 1 and 2), set by the gravity-factor controls. This is useful, for example, for comparing Mars-intensity artificial gravity to actual Mars gravity.


Resets the Planetary gravity to 'Earth-normal'. This is the default.


Writes a plot file. In the Message window (box 8), the program prompts for a 'plot file name'. See the sections on Text Input and Plot Files.

Particle Control

Specify the initial Height, Velocity, and Angle of the free-fallingparticles, in meters, meters per second, and degrees of elevation from 'east'(prograde). You may control these parameters eithergraphically (box 4), ortextually (box 9).

The three values are independent.

Rotation Control

Specify the Radius (meters), the RPM (rotations per minute), and theG-factor (multiples of Earth gravity). You may control theseparameters either graphically(boxes 5, 6, 7) or textually(box 10).

These parameters are inter-dependent: specifying values for any two ofthem determines the value of the third one as well. Whenever you assigna value to any of the parameters, that parameter receives the highestpriority. The program then recomputes the parameter with the lowestpriority (least recently specified by you), according to the values of theother two.

The equations are:

Vector Control

Use the mouse in box 4 to drag either the head or thetail of the vector.

Press on the small green particle to select the tail of the vector. Drag the particle vertically up or down to set its initial height (inmeters). Horizontal displacement is ignored. The particle'sinitial velocity and angle are unaffected - the head of the vector moves withthe tail.

Press anywhere else in box 4 - away from the particle -to select the head of the vector. It's not necessary to be near thehead. This allows you to distinguish between the head and the tail whenthe vector has zero length. Drag the head anywhere within the box toset the particle's initial velocity and angle. The initial height isunaffected.

To accommodate a convenient human scale for both height and velocity, thegraphic velocity unit is 10 meters per second. (This affects only thelength of the vector in box 4, not the numeric value inbox 9.) The viewport allows an initial height of 10meters, and an initial horizontal velocity of 50 meters per second, eitherprograde or retrograde. A 90-mile-per-hour fastball corresponds toabout 40 meters per second.

Values that are out-of-range graphically may be input astext in box 9. The graphicvector is clipped to box 4.

Slider Control

Use the mouse in boxes 5, 6, 7 to drag the verticalsliders for Radius, RPM, and G-factor. The sliders are scaled toaccommodate an 'interesting' range of values, both inside and outside of thesupposed 'comfort zone' for rotation.

Values that are out-of-range graphically may be input astext in box 10. The slidersare clamped to boxes 5, 6, 7.

Text Input

The prompt field in box 8 is arbitrarily long,depending on the program's window size. The numeric fields inboxes 9 and 10 allow six characters.

The user interface is a bit quirky. (See the section onHistory.) Briefly:

  • Text input in box 8 (Messages and prompts) is triggered by some other command, such as <Shift><F1> or <F4>. Answer the prompt, or type ! or stop to abort the command. See the section on Command Keys.

  • To enter text input in box 9 (Particle Control) or box 10 (Rotation Control), click the mouse or press <Return> or <Enter> anywhere in the box. Each box contains three numeric fields. The fields are not individually selectable.

  • The insertion point is initially at the end of the first field. The text is not selected. To edit the field, you must first press <Backspace>, <Ctrl>H, or <Delete>.

  • <Return>, <Enter>, or <Ctrl>M accept the field value and move the cursor to the end of the next field. <Tab> does nothing.

  • <Backspace> or <Ctrl>H delete the character before the insertion point.

  • <Delete> deletes the entire field.

  • The left and right arrows move the insertion point within the field.

  • You may enter expressions. Six characters don't provide much space for that, but you can, for example, type 1/6 for the G-factor to simulate Lunar gravity.

Fun and Games

The most interesting effects occur when you throw the particles up andagainst the rotation, especially when the radius is small. Play withsmall radii and fast rotations and see why these are uncomfortable. (The artificial gravity is quite unnatural.) Make up your owngames. For example:

  • Try to throw a particle across a diameter of the rotating environment, and catch it on the other side, as seen in the inertial view.

  • Try to throw a particle 180 degrees against the rotation, at just the right velocity, so that it's stationary in the inertial view.

  • Launch a stream of particles from the floor to simulate a fountain. Experiment with the velocity and angle to get loops and cusps in the stream.


The purpose of this program is to illustrate the 'shape' of the artificialgravity field. It is not a complete simulation of particlephysics. In particular, it does not consider atmospheric effects; itanimates the particles as if they were in a vacuum. For low relativevelocities, at the 'human scale', this is close enough. However, withlarge relative velocities or long distances, the rotating atmosphere may exerta significant force on a moving body, depending on the body's size, shape, anddensity. Atmospheric effects are beyond the scope of this program.

Plot Files

The plot file format is a relic of the Merit computer network at theUniversity of Michigan. It was designed to describe simple pen plotsin a text format. The filesrdplot.c andrdplot.f contain sampleprogram source code, in C and FORTRAN, for reading and decoding the plot fileformat. You're on your own to modify those programs to actually producegraphic output.

I've considered revising the plot function to produce a PostScriptfile. I have a function library for creating PostScript files, but itwould take moderate effort to revise this program to use it. If that'ssomething you'd like, e-mailme. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

History and Miscellany

I originally wrote this program as part of mydoctoralresearch, in 1987, in the Architecture and Planning Research Laboratory(APRL) at the University of Michigan. I wroteit in FORTRAN 77 on Apollo workstations running the Aegis operating system,the Apollo Display Manager (DM), and the ApolloGraphics Primitives (GPR). The X Window System,xlib, xt, and Motif were not available. I wrote all of the interaction- the vector, the sliders, the text input - from low-level events and graphicprimitives. Thus the program's somewhat quirky non-Motif look andfeel.

This program links to an APRL utility library to handle textinput and convert characters to real numbers. Originally, thecharacter-to-real converter was a fairly small subroutine that handled onlysigns, digits, and decimal points. Later, Jim Turner and I replaced itsguts with a call to a home-grown subsystem that handles general algebraicexpressions. Voila! Virtually every APRL programthat prompts for real-number input can now accept those expressions. This program inherits that feature, though its small text fields don't allowfor much of an expression.

In other work, Eduardo Sobrino and I wrote a function library to emulateApollo GPR through xlib, allowing us to port APRLprograms from the Apollo to X workstations. This program also links tothat library. It looks and feels in X essentially the same as it didin Apollo GPR.

This program generally tries to open a new full-size child of the rootwindow. In my experience, with SGI 4Dwm and Sun CDE (both apparentlyMotif derivatives) the window is appropriately resized to accommodate thewindow manager's decorations. With Sun OpenLook, the window manager'sdecorations may be clipped. You can still move and resize the windowif necessary.

For Apollo aficionados: By default, the program initializes graphicsin GPR_$BORROW mode. In true GPR, that'sroughly equivalent in X to grabbing the server and drawing on the rootwindow. In X, that would be considered pretty rude. The xlibGPR emulator normally handles GPR_$BORROW by openinga new full-size child of the root window, managed by the window manager (Motifor whatever). You can override the window manager by setting theenvironment variable GPR_BORROW to 'STRICT' before running theprogram. For example, in csh:


The GPR emulator then sets the xlib window'soverride_redirect attribute to True, resulting in atrue full-screen window without manager decoration. It looks like trueGPR_$BORROW, though the window is still a child of the root (notthe root itself), and the program still doesn't grab the server.

The command-line option -d causes the program to initialize inGPR_$DIRECT mode. It opens a new large window (nearly fullscreen) and initializes graphics in that window. In true ApolloGPR, this is necessary if the program is to share the displaywith others; it must 'acquire' the display before performing any graphic I/O,and 'release' the display (allowing others to acquire it) before a certainmaximum time expires. In the GPR emulator, the end resultis essentially the same as the default GPR_$BORROW without'STRICT', except that there is some additional overhead in emulating the'acquire' and 'release' functions (including raising the window, installingthe color map, and setting the event mask).

* is a wildcard is “or” & is “and” Help …


Artificial Gravity Mac Os 11


Bryll, Robert. Object Trajectories in a Rotating Frame of Reference. A simulation of a fountain on a rotating space station, as a Java 1.2.2 applet. HTML

Hall, Theodore W.SpinCalc: An Artificial-Gravity Calculator in JavaScript. HTML

Hall, Theodore W.SpinDoctor: An Artificial-Gravity Simulation Program. Compiled for IRIX, SunOS, and Mac OS X workstations. HTML

Hoza, William M.Space Cylinder Physics. HTML

Books,Chapters, Papers, Articles, Presentations


Allcorn, Aaron; Calderon, Damien; Clément, Gilles R.; Grygier, Mike; Hagen, Jeff; Hampton, James; Holland, Mykale-jamal C.; James, George; Koontz, Steve; Lange, Greg; Litteken, Doug; Macneil, Kevin; Martin, Canaan; Montoya, Brett D.; Nagy, Kornel; Peterson, Joshua; Phillips-Hungerford, Taylor; Raboin, Jasen; Reddy, Satish; Shariff, Khadijah; Wilkes, Bob; Wong, Ken (2017 April). Artificial Gravity, Concept Feasibility Study, Structural Engineering Division. PDF

Bell, Michael; Griggs, Tequila; Latta, Jarrid; Nelms, Alice; Shunnarah, Richard; Sparks, Damon; Xenofos, George; Zarichnak, Michael (1999). An Experimental Study of Natural Convection in Artificial Gravity. NASA Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program Proposal. Birmingham, Alabama, USA: The University of Alabama at Birmingham. PDF

Borowski, Stanley K.; McCurdy, David R.; Packard, Thomas W. (2014 July). Conventional and Bimodal Nuclear Thermal Rocket (NTR) Artificial Gravity Mars Transfer Vehicle Concepts (AIAA 2014-3623). 50th AIAA / ASME / SAE / ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 28-30 July 2014. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order

Cardús, David (1994 May). Artificial Gravity in Space and in Medical Research. In, Journal of Gravitational Physiology (vol. 1, no. 1, p. 19-22). International Society for Gravitational Physiology. HTML

Carroll, Joseph A. (2010 September). Design Concepts for a Manned Artificial Gravity Research Facility (IAC-10-D1.1.4). 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 September - 1 October 2010. Paris, France: International Astronautical Federation. PDF PDF

Carroll, Joseph A. (2019 October). Do Humans Have a Future in Moon or Mars Gravity? (IAC-19-D3.1.9). 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington, DC, USA, 21-25 October 2019. Paris, France: International Astronautical Federation. PDF PDF Order

Clément, Gilles R. (2017 January 30). Artificial Gravity Studies on Board the DSH. Artificial Gravity Study Kickoff Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA: Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. PDF

Clément, Gilles R.; Charles, John B.; Norsk, Peter; Paloski, William H. (2015 May 12). Artificial Gravity, version 6.0 (NASA Human Research Program, Human Health Countermeasures Element, Evidence Report). Houston, Texas, USA: Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. PDF

Clément, Gilles R.; Charles, John B.; Paloski, William H. (2016 March). Revisiting the Needs for Artificial Gravity During Deep Space Missions. In, REACH – Reviews in Human Space Exploration (vol. 1, p. 1-10). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. Order

Cohen, Malcolm M. (1989). Artificial Gravity for Long Duration Spaceflight (AAS 87-190). In C. Stoker (Ed.), The Case for Mars III: Strategies for Exploration – General Interest and Overview (American Astronautical Society, Science and Technology Series, Vol. 74, p. 171-178), Boulder, Colorado, USA, 18-22 July 1987. San Diego, California, USA: Univelt, Inc. Order

Coffee, T. M.; Gill, S. A.; Wagner, E. B.; Theis, M. J.; Tsikata, S.; Bernal, I. M.; Bryan, A. W.; Merfeld, D. M. (2003 November). Modeling Vestibular Effects of Artificial Gravity by Gondola Centrifugation in Mice. Annual meeting, American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 12-16 November 2003. HTML

Davis, Hubert P. (1986 May 1). A Manned Mars Mission Concept with Artificial Gravity (NASA-N87-17745). In, Manned Mars Missions, Working Group Papers (Vol. 1, Sec. 1·4, p. 292-305). Huntsville, Alabama, USA: Marshall Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. PDF

Dorais, Gregory A. (2016 September). An Artificial-Gravity Space-Settlement Ground-Analogue Design Concept (AIAA 2016-5388). AIAA Space 2016 Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, California, USA, 13-16 September 2016. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order

Engle, James; Clark, Torin K. (2017 September). An Approach for Development and Deployment of Artificial Gravity in Deep Space Exploration Architectures (AIAA 2017-5139). AIAA Space 2017 Conference & Exposition, Orlando, Florida, USA, 12-14 September 2017 [cancelled due to hurricane Irma]. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order

Engle, James; Simón, Xavier D.; Clark, Torin K. (2018 January 24). Boeing Artificial Gravity Concepts for Low Earth Orbit & Deep Space Exploration. Future In-Space Operations (FISO) Working Group presentation. PDF MP3 [“We respectfully ask folks to download files once … With regard to MP3s, the right way to go is probably not to stream the audio, but to download the whole file and then play it.”]

Fisher, Nick (2001 May). Space Science 2001: Some Problems With Artificial Gravity. In, Physics Education (vol. 36, no. 3, p. 193-201). Bristol, England, UK: IOP Publishing. PDF

Artificial Gravity Mac Os X

Frett, Timo; Green, David Andrew; Arz, Michael; Noppe, Alexandra; Petrat, Guido; Kramer, Andreas; Kuemmel, Jakob; Tegtbur, Uwe; Jordan, Jens (2020 June 11). Motion Sickness Symptoms During Jumping Exercise on a Short-Arm Centrifuge. In, PLOS ONE (vol. 15, no. 6, e0234361). San Francisco, California, USA: PLOS. HTML

Globus, Al; Hall, Theodore W. (2017 June). Space Settlement Population Rotation Tolerance. In, NSS Space Settlement Journal. Washington, DC, USA: National Space Society. PDF

Goyal, Raman; Bryant, Tyler; Majji, Manoranjan; Skelton, Robert E.; Longman, Anthony (2017 September). Design and Control of Growth Adaptable Artificial Gravity Space Habitats (AIAA 2017-5141). AIAA Space 2017 Conference & Exposition, Orlando, Florida, USA, 12-14 September 2017 [cancelled due to hurricane Irma]. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order

Gupta, A.; Baker, J.; Sharif, M. A. R. (2004). Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection in an Enclosure with Rotationally Produced Artificial Gravity. In, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications (vol. 46, no. 2, p. 131-145). London, England, UK: Taylor and Francis. Order

Hall, Theodore W. (1991 May). The Architecture of Artificial Gravity: Mathematical Musings on Designing for Life and Motion in a Centripetally Accelerated Environment. In B. Faughnan, G. Maryniak (Eds.), Space Manufacturing 8: Energy and Materials from Space (p. 177-186). 10th Princeton / AIAA / SSI Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 15-18 May 1991. Washington, DC, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF

Hall, Theodore W. (1993 May). The Architecture of Artificial Gravity: Archetypes and Transformations of Terrestrial Design. In B. Faughnan (Ed.), Space Manufacturing 9: The High Frontier – Accession, Development and Utilization (p. 198-209). 11th SSI-Princeton Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 12-15 May 1993. Washington, DC, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF

Hall, Theodore W. (1994 April). Designing for Life and Motion in Artificial-Gravity Environments.SSI Update (vol. 20, no. 2, p. 1-4). Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Space Studies Institute.

Hall, Theodore W. (1994 May). The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity Environments for Long-Duration Space Habitation (University Microfilms 9423117). Doctoral dissertation (Arch.D.), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University of Michigan. HTML Order

Hall, Theodore W. (1995 May). The Architecture of Artificial Gravity: Theory, Form, and Function in the High Frontier. In B. Faughnan (Ed.), Space Manufacturing 10: Pathways to the High Frontier (p. 182-192). 12th SSI-Princeton Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 4-7 May 1995. Washington, DC, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. HTML PDF

Hall, Theodore W. (1999 July). Artificial Gravity and the Architecture of Orbital Habitats. In, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (vol. 52, no. 7-8, p. 290-300). London, England, UK: British Interplanetary Society. [Presented at the International Symposium on Space Tourism, Bremen, Germany, 20 March 1997.] HTML PDF Order

Hall, Theodore W. (1999 September). Inhabiting Artificial Gravity (AIAA 99-4524). AIAA Space Technology Conference & Exposition, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 28-30 September 1999. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. HTML PDF Order

Hall, Theodore W. (2000 July). Gravity as an Environmental System (SAE 2000-01-2244). 30th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Toulouse, France, 10-13 July 2000. Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA: Society of Automotive Engineers. PDF Order

Hall, Theodore W. (2001). Gravity, Space, and Architecture. In J. Zukowsky (Ed.), 2001: Building for Space Travel (p. 168-174). New York, New York, USA: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. [This is a catalog of an exhibition sponsored by the Art Institute of Chicago, 24 March - 21 October, 2001, and the Museum of Flight in Seattle, 15 December, 2001 - 15 May, 2002.]

Hall, Theodore W. (2002 July). Architectural Considerations for a Minimum Mass, Minimum Energy, Artificial Gravity Environment (SAE 2002-01-2431). 32nd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), San Antonio, Texas, USA, 15-18 July 2002. Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA: Society of Automotive Engineers. PDF Order

Hall, Theodore W. (2002 October). Envisioning Artificial Gravity. Poster, 1st Space Architecture Symposium (SAS 2002), Houston, Texas, USA, 10-11 October 2002. PDF

Hall, Theodore W. (2004 May 20). Architectural Design to Promote Human Adaptation to Artificial Gravity. White paper, submitted in response to the NASA Exploration Systems Enterprise, Request for Information RFI04212004. PDF

Hall, Theodore W. (2005). The Gravity of Architecture – The Architecture of Gravity. In A. Ferré, I. Hwang, M. Kubo, R. Prat, T. Sakamoto, A. Tetas (Eds.), Verb: Conditioning (p. 142-147). Barcelona, Spain: Actar.

Hall, Theodore W. (2006 September). Artificial Gravity Visualization, Empathy, and Design (AIAA 2006-7321). 2nd International Space Architecture Symposium (SAS 2006), AIAA Space 2006 Conference & Exposition, San Jose, California, USA, 19-21 September 2006. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order

Hall, Theodore W. (2009). Artificial Gravity. In A. S. Howe, B. Sherwood (Eds.), Out of This World: The New Field of Space Architecture (Chapter 12, p. 133-152). Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. HTML

Hall, Theodore W. (2015 December 3). Architecture for Artificial Gravity. Invited presentation, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, University of Michigan chapter, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. HTML

Hall, Theodore W. (2016 June). Artificial Gravity and Implications for Space Architecture. In S. Häuplik-Meusburger, O. Bannova, Space Architecture Education for Engineers and Architects: Designing and Planning Beyond Earth (Section 4.5, p. 133-149). New York, New York, USA: Springer. Order

Hall, Theodore W. (2016 July). Artificial Gravity in Theory and Practice (ICES-2016-194). 46th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2016. Lubbock Texas, USA: Texas Tech University. PDF

Hall, Theodore W. (2020 April 10). Artificial Gravity in Interstellar Travel. In, Acta Futura (no. 12, p. 103-119). Paris, France: European Space Agency. [Presented at the ESA ESTEC Interstellar Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 20-21 June 2019.] PDF

Hall, Theodore W. (2020 November 17). Artificial Gravity: What's Wrong With This Picture? (oral presentation). AIAA Ascend 2020 Forum, virtual event, 16-18 November 2020. MP4

Hall, Theodore W. (2020 November 17). Artificial Gravity: Why Centrifugal Force is a Bad Idea (AIAA 2020-4112). AIAA Ascend 2020 Forum, virtual event, 16-18 November 2020. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order MP4

Howe, A. Scott; Sherwood, Brent; Hall, Theodore W.; Landau, Damon (2019 July). Gateway Gravity Testbed (GGT) (ICES-2019-023). 49th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 7-11 July 2019. Lubbock Texas, USA: Texas Tech University. PDF

Hudson, Gary C. (2017 February). G-Lab. AIAA-SF TechTalk, Silicon Valley Space Center, Palo Alto, California, USA. Mojave, California, USA: Space Studies Institute. HTML

Jevtovic, Predrag (2011 September). Electrodynamic Gravity Generator (AIAA 2011-7169). AIAA Space 2011 Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, California, USA, 27-29 September 2011. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order

Jevtovic, Predrag (2012 July). Electrodynamic Generator of Gravity Sensation. In, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Space Structures, Materials & Environmental Testing (ESA SP-691), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 20-23 March 2012. Paris, France: European Space Agency. PDF

Jevtovic, Predrag (2015 August). Electrodynamic Gravity Generator (AIAA 2015-4613). AIAA Space 2015 Conference & Exposition, Pasadena, California, USA, 31 August - 2 September 2015. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order

Jevtovic, Predrag (2017 September). Electrodynamic Gravity Generator for Artificial Gravity Modules (AIAA 2017-5140). AIAA Space 2017 Conference & Exposition, Orlando, Florida, USA, 12-14 September 2017 [cancelled due to hurricane Irma]. Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. PDF Order

Johnson, Richard D.; Holbrow, Charles (Eds.) (1977). Space Settlements: A Design Study (NASA SP-413). Washington, DC, USA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration. PDF

Joosten, B. Kent (2002). Preliminary Assessment of Artificial Gravity Impacts to Deep-Space Vehicle Design (NASA JSC-EX-02-50). Houston, Texas, USA: Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. PDF

Joosten, B. Kent (2007 February). Preliminary Assessment of Artificial Gravity Impacts to Deep-Space Vehicle Design (NASA JSC-63743). Houston, Texas, USA: Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. PDF

Kamman, Michelle; Paloski, William; Joosten, B. Kent (2004). The Effect on the Crew and Design Implementations of Artificial Gravity Transportation Systems. White paper, submitted in response to the NASA Exploration Systems Enterprise, Request for Information RFI04212004. PDF

Krishnamurthy, Akshata; Opperman, Roedolph; Wald, Sam; Reyes, Sabrina; Broll, Anthony; Norheim, Johannes; Lowey, Charlotte; Eschelbach, Gregory; Prout, Jonathan; Bhattaru, Srinivasa; de Weck, Olivier (2016). ACCESS (ArtifiCial gravity CEntrifuge Space Station). RASC-AL 2016 Earth-Independent 1g Space Station Final Report. Hampton, Virginia, USA: Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts – Academic Linkage (RASC-AL), National Institute of Aerospace. PDF

Landau, Damon (2008 August). Method to Maintain Artificial Gravity during Transfer Maneuvers for Tethered Spacecraft (AIAA 2008-7499). AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 18-21 August 2008. PDF Order

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