EGL _Assignment1 Mac OS
Mac OS X Support. Now you can install Rational Business Developer on Mac OS X. For more details on supported versions of Mac OS X, refer to Software Product Compatibility Reports. Most features of RBD are supported. MAC is added as a target system for Java™ generation and resource associations (seqws and remote vsam types are supported).
Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os 11
Programming Assignment 1 Checklist: Percolation
Most of the links refer to mobile when EGL is used. I am using Mac OS 10.8 and XCode 4.6. What is the current situation / How can I (if I can) use EGL in Mac (now)? C macos opengl cairo egl. Improve this question. Follow asked May 23 '14 at 19:00. User3648895 user3648895. EGL Features. Specifically EGL is a wrapper over the following subsystems; – WGL – Windows GL – the Windows-OpenGL interface (pronounced wiggle) – CGL – the Mac OS X-OpenGL interface (the AGL layer sits on top of CGL) – GLX – the equivalent X11-OpenGL interface. EGL not only provides a convenient binding between the. CMSC 435: Introduction to Computer Graphics Assignment 1 Simple Scene Due February 14, 2005 Updated: February 22, 2005 - Image Gallery for Assignment 1 is now available here. The Assignment Use 3Delight (a free RenderMan compliant renderer) to model. OpenGL context type. Available context types depend on the platform. On platforms supporting EGL, the value egl can be used to select the EGL context.-deqp-gl-config-id= Run tests for the provided GL configuration ID. Interpretation is platform-dependent. On the EGL platform, this is the EGL configuration ID.-deqp-gl-config-name=.
What are the goals of this assignment?
- Set up a Java programming environment.
- Use our input and output libraries.
- Learn about a scientific application of the union–find data structure.
- Measure the running time of a program and use the doubling hypothesisto make predictions.
Can I add (or remove) methods to (or from) Percolation or PercolationStats?No. You must implement the APIs exactly as specified, with the identical set of public methods and signatures (or you will receive a substantial deduction).However, you are encouraged to add private methods that enhance the readability, maintainability,and modularity of your program.
What is unit testing?In your main() you are expected to show anytesting you did of your code. At a minimum this includes calling all constructors and methods in the class. Any testing you did to debug your program should also be shownhere.The autograder will not call itbut you will fail the API check if it is not there.
Why is it so important to implement the prescribed API?Writing to an API is an important skill to master because it is an essential component of modular programming,whether you are developing software by yourself or as part of a group. When you develop a module that properly implements an API, anyone using that module (including yourself, perhaps at some later time) does not need to revisit the details of thecode for that module when using it.This approach greatly simplifies writing large programs, developing software as part of a group, or developing software for use by others.
Most important, when you properly implement an API, others can writesoftware to use your module or to test it.We do this regularly when grading your programs. For example,your PercolationStats client should work with ourPercolation data type and vice versa. If you add an extra publicmethod to Percolation and call them from PercolationStats,then your client won't work with our Percolation data type.Conversely, our PercolationStats client may not work with your Percolation data type if you remove a public method.
How many lines of code should my program be?You should strive for clarity and efficiency. Our reference solution is about 80 lines, plus a test client.Our client is about 60 lines.If you are re-implementing the union-find data structure(instead of reusing the implementations provided), you are on the wrong track.
What should stddev() return if T equals 1?The sample standard deviation is undefined. We recommend returning Double.NaNbut we will not test this case.
After the system has percolated, PercolationVisualizer colors in light blueall sites connected to open sites on the bottom (in addition to those connected to open siteson the top). Is this 'backwash' acceptable?Yes. While allowing backwash does not strictly conform to the Percolation API, it requiresquite a bit of ingenuity to fix. It is extra credit if you are able to implement a solutionthat meets the performance requirements and has no backwash.
How do I generate a site uniformly at random among all blocked sitesfor use in PercolationStats?Pick a site at random (by using StdRandom to generate twointegers between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive) and use this siteif it is blocked; if not, repeat.
I don't get reliable timing information in PercolationStats when n = 200.What should I do?Increase the size of n (say to 400, 800, and 1600), untilthe mean running time exceeds its standard deviation.
Testing.We provide two clients that serve as large-scale visual traces.We highly recommend using them for testing and debugging your Percolation implementation.
Visualization client.PercolationVisualizer.javaanimates theresults of opening sites in a percolation system specified by a file by performing the following steps:
Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os X
- Read the grid size n from the file.
- Create an n-by-n grid of sites (initially all blocked).
- Read in a sequence of sites (row i, column j) to open from the file.After each site is opened, draw full sites in light blue, open sites (that aren't full) in white, andblocked sites in black using standard draw, with site (0, 0) in the upper left-hand corner.
Sample data files.The directorypercolationcontains some sample files for use with the visualization client.Associated with most input .txt file is an output .png file that contains thedesired graphical output at the end of the visualization.
InteractiveVisualization client.InteractivePercolationVisualizer.javais similarto the first test client except that the input comes from a mouse (instead of from a file).It takes a command-line integer n that specifies the grid size.As a bonus, it writes to standard output the sequence of sites opened in the same format used byPercolationVisualizer, so you can use it to prepare interesting files for testing.If you design an interesting data file, feel free to share it with us and your classmates by posting itin the discussion forums.